Sunday, May 08, 2005


Every spring I put some fresh ginger into vodka or white rum, and leave it until it gets a golden color and smells gingery.
Every Spring I put rosebuds into vodka combined with white rum, and then when the color has taken over the alchol, I strain them in a coffee filter. This gives off red, purple and blue in the paper by the way, lovely!
I also put maraaschino cherries into vodka for an ersatz Marischino because the real thing it totally unavailable here.
Any of these you can put like a tablespoon in a Coke and it's really good.
Ginger Cola is very good for upset stomach, and Rose Cola helps if it's hot out.
Any of these could be done with those Italian Soda syrups if you want to avoid alchol, except with Rose, you need to get Indian or Lebanese Rose syrup because there is not an Italian Soda flavor of rose.
Actually takeing rose syrup and putting it in mineral water is very refreshing and good for headaches. Not for the super bad ones but as a preventative measure.